Mahendru P.C. Addresses Trade Secrets Litigation with Texas Lawyer

HOUSTON – Houston trial lawyers Ashish Mahendru and Darren A. Braun of the litigation law firm Mahendru P.C. were recently featured in Texas Lawyer discussing the growing trend of trade secrets litigation in Texas.   As changes in patent law have made it more difficult for plaintiffs, many are turning to trade secret litigation as an alternative to protecting valuable business assets. Texas is at the forefront of this trend with three judicial districts – the Eastern, […]

Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Shareholder Oppression

The business world is fraught with potential dangers, and sometimes, nothing is more threatening to business health than betrayal from within. Fiduciary duty is the tie that binds partners, officers, directors, and management to irrevocable fidelity to the company’s best interests. However, there are many situations that arise in which a these individuals act without […]

Injunctions: Speed Counts

There are times when the wheels of justice move too slowly to do you or your business any good. When you have an employee, partner, or competitor who is illegally doing damage to your business, you may not be able to wait for a lawsuit to work its way through the Texas civil courts. For instance, […]